20 HR Tech Solutions You Should Try Out In 2025
20 HR Tech Solutions You Should Try Out In 2025
Learn how CV parsing and resume parsing cut admin tasks by 80% and improve HR efficiency.
Automating resume processing frees recruiters to focus on hiring, while those who delay risk falling behind.
See what you can do to outperform other IT outsourcing companies and these difficult times.
If you need help with your resume, book a free consultation with our resume experts to improve your file and get better chances to find a new job.
Discover key trends and actionable tips to get ready for new times in the staffing industry.
Blind CVs protect candidate privacy and streamline recruitment for HR professionals.
What areas HR Tech covers. Current challenges and opportunities.
What is CV parser? What does it mean? How and when to use it? In this post, we'll break it down and discuss it in detail.
In this post, we discuss what makes Profile different from Blind CV.
New Profile Templates are now available in the app. Read more to learn how to customize them.
We recommend reading this post as it covers the new features, changes in pricing, and more.
e look forward to a fruitful cooperation and are excited about the possibilities the future holds.
Currently, over 250 users - from small businesses to large corporations - are testing or already using the app in their recruitment workflows.
“Since GSS has levarged the CVtoBlind application, the fate of HR World is safe.” says a superhero who prefers to stay anonymous.
Scalo has recently embraced CVtoBlind, an HR Tech tool specializing in converting CVs to Blinds, to optimize their recruitment and sales processes.
The CVtoBlind app significantly shortens the time it takes to prepare a Candidate profile in our format, which is crucial given the number of profiles we process.
The manual work of copy-pasting texts from CVs is an HR nightmare and everybody who has experienced it knows how time-consuming and mundane it is.
Appstronauts Software Development Company needed a quick and ready-to-go solution for blind CVs.
Our goal is to partner with H2B and build the #1 tool for HR and Sales Teams in IT companies.
Our HR Tech app allows ITFS to save a lot of time and focus on more valuable tasks.
Every user must belong to an organization created in the CVtoBlind app + a few more updates.
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest feature: Automatic Technology Categorization.
You can now upload DOCX and Images to generate a blind CV. We also improved data accuracy in the Technologies and Skills sections.
Convert, Make and Save Blind CV in the blink of an eye.
Add, update, share and mange your company's templates in CVtoBlind. Learn more about how you can keep all your files in one place.
The product update arrived! This release mainly focused on allowing you to add and update templates.
Boost your team's productivity by creating an organization where members can easily collaborate on Blinds and share Templates. Speed up the time to present candidates to your clients.
Zobacz jak w kilka sekund możesz automatycznie przerobić CV w gotowego Blinda. Poza samą konwersją, pokazujemy kilka dodatkowych funkcji, które znacznie ułatwią Ci pracę przy przerabianiu CV.
Learn what you can do with CVtoBlind and what features are coming soon!
We're excited to share that the CVtoBlind app has been launched! No more copy-past or PDF editing. Join our early adopters and get rid of manual and tedious work on CVs.