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From 0 to 1. A new version of CVtoBlind.

in the last three months, we’ve been quite busy upgrading our application. Today, we’re ready to announce that the majority of work is done and the new version of CVtoBlind is available!

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty and find out what’s new.

New User Interface

If you log in to the application today, you will immediately notice that it looks completely different. We wanted to change the look and feel to be more professional and clean. Since January 2024 we received a lot of feedback about user experience and what you like and dislike in the application, so we tried to learn from it and improve the overall experience. You will see some big changes as the new Profile Edit screen and some minor ones like e.g. you can adjust height of the Summary text box.

In May, some of you responded to take part in the design workshops led by Magda (our UX/UI Designer) and we’re very thankful for your involvement in this process! Your suggestions and feedback allowed us to deliver a design tailored to the recruiters' and salesmen’s needs. Thanks for your help 🙏 and we hope you will like the outcome!

Profile Edit screen

Moving from Blinds to Profiles

One of the key changes occurs in communication. Our new naming convention will use word 'Profiles' instead of 'Blinds'. You will see this change in the application and our online materials.

As you know, in our app, you can create a typical anonymized CV. But now it will be also possible to enrich it with additional information that makes it more like a profile. Showing not only experience, skills, and your company branding but also fitness to the client's requirements and other relevant elements of your offering. That goes beyond the standard concept of Blind CV. It may seem to be a semantic change, but we’ve seen various approaches of how CVtoBlind serves different use cases, and we think Profile better fits how the app is used, what it offers, and the direction we’re heading in.

Upload multiple CV files at once

Upload screen

For your convenience, you can upload up to 10 CV files at once. They will be processed in parallel, so the time needed to extract the data will remain similar to the previous version of the app.

All the processed Profiles you can find in the Profiles tab.

Redesign of Profile Editor

Profile Edit screen

The new Profile Edit screen was the most important change in the whole redesign project. The metamorphosis of this screen is so huge that it’s impossible to compare with the previous version. You will quickly learn the new features and how the Editor works, so below I’m going to mention only the key improvements:

  • Firstly, on the left side, you see the data from a CV file. On the right side, you see how the data looks in your template.
  • If you make changes in the Editor, the templates will refresh automatically to reflect your updates.
  • To make navigation easier you can fold the whole sections and make shorter scrolls between different parts of the Editor.
  • The height of the Summary text box can be manually adjusted to your preferences. Editing will be a much better experience now.
  • The responsibilities for each job position are grouped and presented as bullet points. This makes it easier to edit the texts and arrange them in the right order.
  • Since now, you can not only download Profiles as PDF or Word files but also Share a link with other people who belong to your organization. We will continue working on this feature in the coming months.


Translation screen

You can translate a CV into one of five languages: English, Spanish, French, German, or Polish. Once the translation is done, you can review the texts in the new language before acceptance.

Custom Fields

You can create a custom field and use it according to your needs. For example, you can add information to the profiles, such as employee availability, rate per hour,  salesperson contact data, comments, or anything else. The new field will be displayed on all the Profiles in the Custom Fields section. You can create as many Custom Fields as you need and each field may have a default value.

Let’s look at this example.

I created two fields: rate_per_hour and availability. I wanted the rate_per_ hour to have a default value of 50 USD. The default value for availability field is 4 weeks. So every new Profile will get these two fields with their default values that can be changed if required.

Organization page in Settings

Once I created the new fields, all my team members will be able to see and edit them. You can edit values in the Profil Edit screen. What’s more, you can show these fields as the new columns in the Profiles tab.

Profiles Tab with the new columns: rate_per_hour and availability

Profiles tab with Custom Fields

To use custom fields in your templates, you must download the template, add your custom field, and upload the new version of your template.

Use settings to configure CV conversions

On this screen each user can set up his/her preferences for extracting data from the CVs. These are your individual settings, other team members may have different setups.

App settings in Settings

Generate summary - if toggled on, the app will generate the summary if it’s not included in a CV.

Anonymize profiles - you can turn it on if you want to replace the company names with generic descriptions in the job positions. For example, T-Mobile would be a Telecom, and JP Morgan Chase would be a US Bank.

Aggregate technologies—when turned on, the application will scan the whole CV to find all the mentioned technologies, which will be placed in the Technologies categories on the Profile Edit screen.

Enforce date format - you can choose how dates should formatted on the Profile Editor screen and in your templates.

Updates in Pricing

All the new features are available in your current plans and we don’t charge extra for them. Everything is included in your packages and you can use all the features as much as you want. They won’t affect your payments.

What changes in Pricing?

From now on, our team will support adding your templates to the application for free on the first order. Each next order of a new template or update to the existing templates will cost $100 per template (+ VAT if applicable).


Let's say that you want to add three new templates to the application with our support. You can send us your files through the application (via Templates tab). It's your first order, so our Team will add the templates to your account for free.

After 6 months your team requests to update your templates and you ask our Team to make the planned changes.

Since it's a second order from your company, updating each template costs $100, so on the next payment we will add a one-time fee of 3 templates x $100 = $300.

The new rule will be effective from September 1, 2024.

To give you some time to adapt, we will make this rule effective from September 1st, 2024. Until then, you won’t be charged for ordering changes or adding new templates even if it is not your first order. All requests are free of charge until September 1st.
Creating and editing templates by yourself is free. We have created documentation to help you create templates and a sandbox for testing them. This will make it easier for you to work with the templates without our assistance.

Support on Slack

We're decommissioning support via Slack due to a lack of interest. We will continue to provide support via Slack only for companies that currently use this channel to communicate with our Team.

Updates in Privacy Policy and Terms

We took some time to review our legal documents. We cleaned up our Privacy Policy and Terms to remove duplicates, make them more straightforward, and reflect the changes implemented in the application. The updated documents will be published this week. It will be announced in the application.

Ok, that's it. Hope you will like the new version of the application and as always - we would love to hear your feedback. 🙂

If you have any questions, we’re happy to help.

P.S. #1 We're still making some minor changes and improvements in the application, so please give us a few days to polish it and make it stable.

P.S. #2 If you encounter some bugs or issues, we would appreciate it if you let us know about it.


Magda, Łukasz and Tomek

CVtoBlind Founding Team

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